بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

استخدام had

استخدام had
قواعد الوحدة 11 2ث
Past perfect 
 زمن الماضى التام 

 يتكون الماضى التام من had + pp

 يستخدم الماضى التام لوصف حدث وقع قبل حدث اخر فى الماضى.
- He looked tired yesterday because he had slept badly the night before.

 يستخدم الماضى التام مع الكلمات التالية:
After – before – when – till – until – as soon as – no sooner – hardly – by the time

After / As soon as + ماضى تام  + ماضى بسيط

- First I read the novel. Then I saw the film.  (After / As soon as)
  After / As soon as I had read the novel I saw the film.

 يمكن استخدام الماضى البسيط بدلا من الماضى التام بعد after / as soon as  
- After I read (had read) the novel, I saw the film.
- As soon as I read (had read) the novel, I saw the film.

After / As soon as + فاعل  + ماضى تام   = Having + pp

- He bought a car after she had learned to drive,  (Having)
  Having learned to drive, she bought a car.
- As soon as he had finished his work, he went home.  (Having)
  Having finished his work, he went home.

Before + ماضى بسيط  + ماضى تام

- He finished his training. Then he got the job.
  He had finished his training before he go the job.

 لاحظ أن استخدام الماضي التام مع   when يتوقف علي أي الحدثين وقع أولا 
- When she arrived, we had finished our lunch.
  = We had finished before she arrived.
- When I had finished work, I went home.
  = After I had finished work, I went home.

 عندما يكون الفعلان مع  when  في الماضي البسيط فان الفعل بعدها هو الذي حدث أولا:
- When the play ended, the audience went home.
- When he opened the window, the bird flew out.

 أحيانا تستخدم  on  بدلا من  when   ويأتي بعدها الفعل مضافا له : ing
- When she saw the robber, she called the police.
   On seeing the robber, she called the police.

 فى حالة عدم وجود فاعل بعد after / before / when  نستخدم v. + ing 
- After doing his homework, he went to bed.
- He had done his homework before going to bed.
- When seeing the police, the thief ran away.

 يمكن استخدام اسم بعد after / before:
- After his father's death, he left the country.
   = After his father had died, he left the country.

By the time + ماضى بسيط  + ماضى تام

- By the time we arrived at the cinema, the film had started.

ماضى بسيط منفى  + till / until + ماضى تام

 تأتي till/ until  في وسط الجملة و قبلها الماضي البسيط (منفي) و بعدها الماضي التام:
- First I met him. Then I knew the truth.  (until)
  I didn't know the truth until I had met him.
 يمكن أن يأتى قبل till/until  ماضى بسيط مثبت و هذا يعتمد عاى المعنى :
- He stayed in bed until half past nine.

 أحيانا يستخدم الماضي التام  بعد  because بشرط أن تكون الجملة في الماضي والحدث بعد  because  هو الذي حدث أولا:
- They couldn't go swimming because they had forgotten their swimsuits.
 يستخدم الماضي التام  مع الكلمات الدالة علي  المضارع التام إذا كان في الجملة ماضي بسيط :
- The film had already started when I arrived.
- When we arrived at the cinema, the film had already started.
- When I arrived home, my father had just left.
- It was the best novel I had ever read.
- The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it yet.

 يستخدم الماضي التام أيضا في غير المباشر: 
- She said she had seen the film the night before.

 لاحظ استخدام الماضي التام بعد By then   ومعناها قبل ذلك الوقت:
- He arrived at the party at 11 o'clock yesterday. By then, most guests had left.

Past perfect continuous
زمن الماضى التام المستمر

 يتكون الماضى التام المستمر من had been + v. + ing 
- They had been waiting for an hour when the train arrived.

 يستخدم الماضى التام المستمر لوصف حدث استمر لفترة فى الماضى قبل وقوع حدث أخر  و يستخدم عادة مع since / for / when / all day / all weekend 
- We'd been waiting for three hours before our plane took of.

 يستخدم الماضى التام المستمر لتقديم سبب حدث فى الماضى.
- There were floods because it had been raining for three days.

 يأتي الماضى التام المستمر عادة مع أفعال يمكن أن تستغرق فترة طويلة  مثل
wait / do / study / live / work / stay / play / watch / sleep / paint / read / write / talk / run / walk / travel
- I was very tired when I arrived home. I had been working hard all day.
- He had been smoking for 30 years when he finally gave it up.
- They had been waiting for an hour before the train arrived.
- What had he been doing when the accident happened?
- There were floods because it had been raining for three days.

 إذا ذكرنا مرات حدوث الفعل نستخدم الماضي التام و ليس الماضي التام المستمر:
- When I met Ahmed, he had finished typing 3 reports.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- When Ali went to university, he (had studied-studied-has been studying-had been studying) English for ten years.
2- I was tired yesterday morning because I (had been reading-ran-had run-have been running) until late the night before.
3- By the time I went to sleep, I (had been reading-had read-have read-read) a short story.
4- The manager decided to change the date of the conference even though she (has-had-has had-had had) already sent out 20 invitations.
5- Unfortunately, even though he(trained-has trained-was training- had been training) for six months, Ali didn't win the race.
6- My friend and I (talked-has been talking-had been talking-had talked) on the phone for more than an hour before I put the phone down.
7- Ali wasn't feeling well yesterday. He (had been studying-studied-had studied-was studying) hard all weekend.
8- By the time he finished reading the report, he (drank-has drunk-had been drinking-had drunk) two bottles of water.
9- When his novel came out, he (had written-has been writing-had been writing-wrote) for five years.
10- After he had left school, he worked in very ordinary jobs.
11- The bus (broken-had broken-had been broken-was broken) down. That's why Leila was late for school yesterday.
12- He (talked-had talked-was talking-had been talking) on the phone for an hour when the doorbell rang.
13- By the time my mother was aged 30, she (was had-had had-had been having-have had) five children.
14- I (had been swimming-had swum-swam-was swimming) for half an hour before I realised that I was dangerously far away from the beach.
15- Years ago, after Zakaria (was leaving-had been leaving-left-had left) school. he worked on a farm. 
16- Professor Williams (finished-had not finished-had not been finishing-had not finishing) his important book about life and science at the time of his death.
17- I'm sorry I didn't answer your call yesterday. I (was studying-had studied-had been studying-studied) with my friends when my family had an emergency and I completely forgot to return your call.
18- Mariam looked so happy when we saw her last week. Perhaps she (had got-got-had been getting-has got) good grades on her exams?
19- By the time Herman Melville was in his mid twenties, he (already travelled-had already travelled-had already been traveling-has already travelled) all over the world.
20- On the day before my grandfather died, he (had been sailing-had sailed-was sailing-sailed) with my father. It had been a special day out for them.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
1- Before I met you, I have been running for two hours and I felt very tired.
2- By the time he arrived yesterday, the meeting has been over.
3- Mohanad looked very tired when I saw him yesterday. Perhaps he has slept badly the night before.
4- After had read the instructions, I was able to use the machine.
5- Leila looked very happy when I saw her at the weekend. Perhaps she has won a prize.
6- Ehab had been finishing reading his book so he was looking for a new one.
7- Dalia sounded unhappy when I phoned her yesterday. Perhaps she has been watching a bad film.
8- She seemed to be very happy. Perhaps she is receiving some good news.
9- Hassan sounded very angry when I spoke to him this morning. Perhaps he loses his job.
10- As soon as I see him, I told him the good news.

Language Functions

Making recommendations about a book
عمل توصيات بشأن كتاب ما

- I'm sure you'd enjoy / love this book.
- You really should read this book.
- I can really recommend this book to you.

Giving reasons for recommending a book
تقديم اسباب لتزكية كتاب ما

- It's a very exciting interesting story.
- The characters are so real.
- You won't be able to put it down.
- It's so easy to read.

Giving opinion about a book
ابداء رأى عن كتاب

- This book is too long and slow.
- It's not really my kind of (book). انه ليس النوعية التي أفضلها من .
- I know it's long, but I couldn't put it down. 
- I have read other (novels) by…,but this one is the most exciting.
- It's too serious.  انه جاد أكثر من اللازم
- It's too hard to understand.

Asking for information
طلب معلومات

- What's the name of the book you are reading and who wrote it?
- Why do you recommend this book to me?
- Are you enjoying your book?

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