بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

استخدام due to

استخدام due to
اليكم هذا الشرح المفصل لاستخدام اداة الربط due to والتي تستخدم بمعنى because of وكلاهما تعني بسبب ولهما نفس التركيب ولهما نفس الدلائل التي تدل على استخدامهما في الجملة > ولمزيد من الشرح ركز جيدا في هذه الامثلة :
1- The problem was due to a shortage of high court judges.
2- Due to overcrowding last year, the competition field was narrowed down to six teams.
انتبه : هنا بدانا الجملة ب due to يعني ممكن ان نقلب الجملةلنضع due to في الوسط بدون تغيير في المعنى كالتالي :
The competition field was narrowed down to six teams due to overcrowding last year
3- Due to a delay in Lanzhou, the flight was unable to leave until this morning.
انتبه هنا ايضا بدانا الجملة ب due to يعني ممكن ان تكون الجملة كالتالي ونضع due to في الوسط دون تغيير في المعنى ايضا :
The flight was unable to leave until this morning due to a delay in Lanzhou
4- Shell said the cuts were due to a general easing of oil prices
Some liberals also expressed worry that the impact of the motion would be reduced due to the current debate between Hong Kong and Britain on democratization
انتبه لما يلي :
1- المعروف غالبا ما يسبق due to هو صيغة verb to be وهي :
(be /is / am / are / was / were )
It can be seen that ‘due to’ is followed by a noun phrase in all of the examples above. [It may NOT be followed by a main clause, as in this student example: *Due to they have no salary, they may need to think how to use it
2- ان جميع الامثلة اعلاه تبين ان due to يتبعها او يأتي وراءها شبه جملة اسمية او اسم او صفة واسم ولا يمكن ان يتبعها " جملة رئيسية " كما في المثال اعلاه :
due to they have no salary , they may ------------- how to use it
يمكن جملة رقم 2 تجعل الطالب يفكر ان due to تاخذ فعل وعليه ing . كلمة overcrowding هنا هي اسم وليست فعل عليه ing وتعني " اكتظاظ "
وامثلة اخرى تبين لك استخدام due to اذا سبقها صيغة verb to be واكيد اصبحت تعرف ما هي افعال verb to be . هي نفس الافعال المساعدة اعلاه :
-‘Due to is frequently preceded by a form of the verb ‘to be’, e.g.
غالبا ما يسبق due to صيغة افعال verb to be .
امثلة :
1-- ‘Her anger was probably due to her tiredness
2- ‘The results may be due to her laziness’.
3- ‘The strong winds may be due to the approaching typhoon’
ملاحظة : تستطيع ان تضع because of في جميع الجمل التي تحتوي على due to في الجمل اعلاه دون تغيير في المعنى او التركيب .

نور :)

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