بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

استخدام each و every

استخدام each و every

  🍀all, both, half, each, every, either, neither🍀

🌾1) ALL
1- يأتي بعد (all) اسم مفرد لا يعد أو اسم جمع و تشير إلي المجموعة ككل و بوجه عـــــــام.
- All cheese contains protein. - I like all dogs.
2- الفعل بعد (all) مفرد أو جمع علي حسب الاسم الذي يأتي بعدها.
- All food in the fridge has gone. - All my brothers are single. 
- All Mona's money is at home, so all her friends are helping her.
3- إذا جاءت (the) أو (صفة ملكية) أو صفة إشارة بعد (all), يمكـــن أن نضع بينهما (of) و تشير إلي اسم محــــــدد.
- All the people in the room were silent. - All of the birds flew away.
- I've invited all my friends to the party. - I've used up all of our eggs.
- Who has left all this paper on my desk?  - Where did all of those books come from?
4- إذا جاء ضمير مفعول بعد (all) يجـــب أن نضع بينهما (of).
- All of us love Mr Ahmed Alsaid. - Did you find all of them?
5- أو نستخدم ضمير فاعل قبل (all) فلا نحتاج لـــ (of).
- We all are going to Luxor next week.

🌾2) EACH
1- تستخدم (each) للإشارة المجموعة  كأفــــــــراد كل علي حِـــده.
- Each child received a present. - I gave each plant some water.
- لاحظ الفارق في المعني بين الجملتين الآتيتين:
-The students line up on the stage, and they all sing a song. (We listen to one song)
-The students line up on the stage, and they each sing a song.
(We get many songs: one song per student.)
2- يأتي بعد (each) اسم مفرد يعد و يأتي بعد (each of) اسم جمع أو ضمير جمع.
- Each member of the team plays really well.  - Each of their parents took a photo of them.
- Alaa Tarek Mady cooked special meals for each of us.
3- الفعل دائما  مفـــــرد بعد (each) أو (each of)
- Each student has to hand the homework in time.
- Each of my brothers wants his own car. - Each student wears a uniform.
- يأتي بعد (each) فعل جمـــع إذا جاء قبلها ضمير فاعل جمع.
- They each tell a story.  = - Each of my children tells a story. 

1- تستخدم (every) للإشارة إلي أفراد المجموعة  معـــــــــــــا.
- I gave every plant some water.
- Every student in the class was given a book.
2- يأتي بعد (every) اسم مفرد يعد و الفعل معها دائما مفرد.
- Every child received a present.
- Every car in the city causes some pollution.
3- لا نستخدم  (of the) بعد (every) و لا يأتي معها أبدا اسم جمع.
- The teacher knows every student in the school. (NOT: every students)
- I enjoyed every minute of my stay in Africa. (NOT: every of the minutes)
* ملحوظـــــــة رايقة أوي : تشير (both) إلي مجموعة من اثنين بينما تشير (each) إلي مجموعة من اثنين أو أكثر من اثنين. 
                                 و تشير (every) دائما إلي مجموعة من أكثر من اثنين.
- I gave both my parents a present. 
- Each player in the singles final has a different style of play. ( two players)
- I gave each of my three brothers a card. ( more than two brothers)
- Each member at the meeting received a copy of the report. ( more than two members)
- Every player must attend the training sessions for the next match. (=all the players)
- There were cars parked along the sides of every street in town.  ( all the streets)

🌾4) BOTH
1- نستخدم (both) للحديث عن اثنين من الناس أو الأشياء و تساوي في المعني"This AND that" (كليهمـــــا).
- I ate both the apple and the orange.
2- تستخدم (both) في كل من الجمل المثبتة و المنفية.
Both of the girls are wearing white suits.
Both of the those students didn't pass the exam.
3- لا نستخدم (both) مع الأسماء المفردة فهي دائما تشير إلي اثنين.
- I gave both students a book. (NOT: both student) 
4- يمكــــــــن أن نستخدم (the) و (of) بعد (both)
- Both children were born in Italy. - Both the children were born in Italy.
- Both of the children were born in Italy. 
- Both my parents have fair hair. - Both of my parents have fair hair.
- Both of us like skiing. - I told both of them to calm down.
5- يمكــــــــن أن نستخدم (both) مع ضمير جمع فاعل أو مفعول.
- We both / Both of us prefer classical music. - Let’s meet them both / both of them now.
6- الفعل مع (both) دائمـــــــا جمــــــــــــع.
- Both sisters have bought lovely presents for their mothers.
- Both of them are making noise in the class.
7- يمكن استخدام (both..... and) كرابط.
- The game is suitable for both children and adults.
- I need to be good at both speaking and writing English to get the job
8- عند استخدام (both..... and) لربط فاعلين فالفعل دائمـــــــا جمــــــــــــع.
- Both cats and dogs are pet animals.  - Both Esraa and Aya are clever students.

🌾5) HALF
1- يأتي بعد (of) half اسم مفرد لا يعد أو اسم جمع
- He ate half (of) the cake this morning. - Half (of) my friends like tennis.
- I spent half that time on my project. - I've invited half my friends to the party.
2- الفعل بعد (of) half مفرد أو جمع علي حسب الاسم الذي يأتي بعدها.
- Half the people have already left. - Half of an apple isn't very much lunch.
3- تستخدم (half a) مع التعبيرات الدالة علي الكمية والقياس.  
- He ran half a mile this morning. - I will be back in half a minute.
- I had half a cup of milk left.  - Add a half a cup of flour and stir gently.
4- في هذه الحالة لا نستخدم (half of)
- I bought half a kilo of flour. (NOT:  half of a kilo of flour)
5- يجب أن يأتي (of) بعد (half) إذا جاء بعدها ضمير
- Half of us are going. - You couldn't find half of them?

1- نستخدم (either) للحديث عن اثنين من الناس أو الأشياء و تساوي في المعني"This OR The other " (أيا منهما).
- Either parent will drive the children to the library.
(One or the other of the two parents will drive.)
- I can stay at either hotel, they are both good.  
2- يأتي بعد (either) اسم مفرد يعد و يأتي بعد (either of) اسم جمع.
- Sara and I can go on either Friday or Saturday,  - Either of the hotels will be fine.
- There are two chairs here. You can take either of them.
3- الفعل دائما  مفـــــرد بعد (either) أو (either of)
- Either of these children has played in the street.
- Each of the boys was given a watch.
4- يمكن استخدام (either........ or) كرابط بمعني (إما ........ أو) و يتفق الفعل مع الفاعل الأقرب.
- I will come on either Thursday or Friday. - You can have either an ice cream or a cake.
- Either Esraa or the children have watched the movie.
- Either the children or Esraa has watched the movie.
4- لاحظ الفاعل الأقرب في حالة السؤال الفاعل الأقرب.
- Are either my brothers or my father responsible? 
- Is either my father or my brothers responsible?

1- نستخدم (neither) للحديث عن اثنين من الناس أو الأشياء و تساوي في المعني (not ... either)
"NOT this AND NOT the other" (لا هذا و لا ذاك).
- Neither parent came to meet the teacher. (The mother didn’t come and the father didn’t come.)
- Neither boxer was able to knock the other out.
 (Not one or the other of TWO boxers could knock the other out.)
- Neither answer is correct. =  - This answer is not correct and that one is not correct.
- I like neither of the photos. - I don't like either of the photos.
2- يأتي بعد (neither) اسم مفرد يعد و يأتي بعد (neither of) اسم جمع أو ضمير جمع.
-  Neither chair is any good.  - I think neither of these dresses fits me.
- Which bag do you want? Neither of them.
3- الفعل دائما  مفـــــرد بعد (neither) أو ( اسم جمع / ضمير جمع neither of) 
- Neither brother has come.
- Neither of my best friends was at school today.
4- يمكن أن يكون الفعل في صيغة الجمع بعد ( اسم جمع / ضمير جمع neither of)
Neither of them were interested in going to university. (Informal English)
5- يمكن استخدام (neither........ nor) كرابط بمعني (لا ........ ولا.......).
- You can have neither cookies nor candy. - It is neither raining nor snowing.
6- يمكن أن تربط (neither........ nor) بين فاعلين مختلفين و في هذه الحالة يتفق مع الفاعل الأقرب.
- Esraa hasn't watched the movie and the children haven't watched it either.
- Neither Esraa nor the children have watched the movie.
- Neither the children nor Esraa has watched the movie.

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